
Thursday, 7 July 2016

Reading Response Journal

Reading Response Journal

Title: Boom laka Laka

Author: K.E. Anderson

Today I read about  Was about Boom Laka Laka

I feel Happy about what I read today because the girl was laughing when the mum car got sick in the mud.

My favorite character was  Mum because has brown hair yellow pants and white and brown T-shirt.

I would feel  happy if the same thing that happened to my character, happened to me because my favorite color is Brown .

I think if the author decided to write another part to this story this is what will happen that the boy is gonna have are car and the mum is gonna laugh at the Mum.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Story Map

 Story Map
Title:  Boom Lake Lake
Author: K.E Anderson
Characters: Mum,Son,Friends
Setting: Home,Store
Conflict: The car Broke down
Resolution: She went to the Gas store

Beginning:Mum said there was and noise in the car boom Lake Lake
Middle: The car was broke down and the girl went to the gas store and get same gas for the Mum.


Mum was so upset that the care was broken because didn't believe that the car was broken.

Friday, 1 July 2016

Te Reo


māmā: mum, mother

Ki a Māmā, me te arohanui, nā Mele 
To Mum, with love, from Mele
māmā: mum, mother
Image result for MumImage result for Mum